Adam Santamaria
Prague, Czechia
Artificial intelligence, Engineering, iot, Cyber security, Embedded systems
Profile Photo

His\Her Talents

Years of experience: 0-5 years
Abilities: Active and dynamic, Organised, Imaginative, Empathy, Curiosity
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
* Vehicle life-cycle tracking Cat-M1 connected and autonomous system (on + Raspberry Pi + Arduino) * Innovative design fan with an in-runner BDLC and connected via Bluetooth Low Energy * Connected, autonomous and modular system to make test on our environment (water, food, air, UV) --> developped as a advanced proof of concept for a startup * Machine learning algorithm to adjust the temperature of an heating floor



  • Date attended: from: 2014 to: 2019
    School: Grenoble INP Esisar
    Description: Knowledge on every aspect of the embedded world : electronics, programming, automation, security, design... with a specialization in embedded software/firmware development
    Degree: Engineer's Degree
    Field of study: Embedded System


  • Name company: Meersens
    Title: IoT engineer
    Location: 26000 Valence, France
    Experience abroad: No
    Time period: from: 01.2018 to: 07.2018
    Description: Development of a connected, autonomous and modular system to make test on our environment (water, food, air, UV) --> developped as a advanced proof of concept for the startup Meersens
  • Name company: Innovateam
    Title: IoT enginner
    Location: Paris, France
    Experience abroad: No
    Time period: from: 01.2019 to: 06.2019
    Description: Development of two IoT systems: * Vehicle life-cycle tracking, Cat-M1 connected and autonomous system (on Raspberry Pi + Arduino) * Innovative design fan with an in-runner BDLC and connected via Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Name company: STMicroelectronics
    Title: Application Engineer
    Location: Prague, Czechia
    Experience abroad: No
    Time period: from: 10.2019 I currently work here
    Description: Developping firmware/software, tools and documentation to ease and optimize use of ST products by our customers

His\Her Wishes

Industry sector : Agriculture-Agronomy, Automotive, Aeronautic, Mecanic, Energy, IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics
Specific activity : Sustainable Development
Location: Paris, France / Prague, Czechia
Market type : B2C and B2B International
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Need of income: Not specified
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 30-60% Available
Funding capacity : Under 20 K
Return on investment planned : Not specified
Wish to be involved for a period of : Don't know
Specific wish: Looking for a project for which i would not hesitate to dedicate my life
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