Benjamin Koch
Frederick, MD, USA
eCommerce, Risk Management, Project Management, Business Intelligence, Operation & Manufacturing, Quality Management
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His\Her Talents

Years of experience: 10-15 years
Abilities: At ease with ideas, At ease with people, Pragmatic, Imaginative, Like changes, Analysis and critical spirit, Intuitive
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
I have worked in international eCommerce, Logistics, and Transportation for the last 10 of my 15 professional years. I have worked to launch over 26 international websites going from $0 to 200 million in 3 years. I have been the solutions architect on several projects including Fraud and Payments integrations with international tax implications, integration solutions between manufacturing and ERP as well as building integration cartridges for SAP integrations through AWS. I think the most important role in operations is to automate to reduce operational overhead. I have several times automated myself out of a job in the last 15 years, and believe it is the greatest accomplishment you can have in a thriving business.



  • Date attended: from: 2007 to: 2011
    School: Franklin and Marshall College
    Description: I specialized in Complex Analysis, which has translated in business directly to data science, maximizing aspects of a particular feature or an entire flow. I also have a minor in history and art because communication creativity is important when problem-solving
    Degree: Bachelor's Degree
    Field of study: Mathematics


  • Name company: Nike
    Title: Sr. Product Manager Logistics and Transportation
    Location: Portland, OR, USA
    Experience abroad: Yes
    Time period: from: 08.2023 I currently work here
    Description: I am the senior product manager representing EMEA logistics and transportation while transitioning their ERP (enterprise resource planning) system SAP AFS with SAP S/4 HANA

His\Her Wishes

Industry sector : Agriculture-Agronomy, Automotive, Aeronautic, Mecanic, Consumer goods, Biology, Pharmacy, Manufacturing, IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics, Luxury and fashion, Transport and Logistics
Specific activity : Social Economy, NGO, NS
Location: Baltimore, MD, USA / Philadelphia, PA, USA / Washington, DC, USA
Market type : B2C and B2B Domestic, Europe, International, Asia, Africa, America, Middle East, Eastern Countries and Russia
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Need of income: Not specified
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 60-100% Available
Funding capacity : Over 50 K
Return on investment planned : Not specified
Wish to be involved for a period of : More than 5 years
Specific wish: I am looking to partner for the long haul or to buy out stable businesses for those looking to retire
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