His\Her Wishes
Industry sector : Automotive, Aeronautic, Mecanic, Bank, Finance, Insurance, Consumer goods, Equipment goods, Biology, Pharmacy, Manufacturing, Construction, Sales and distribution, Energy, Education, Training, Real Estate, Urbanism, IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics, Luxury and fashion, Health, Social, Tourism and entertainment, Transport and Logistics
Specific activity : Social Economy, NGO, NS
Location: New Zealand / Australia / Brazil / Canada / United States / Europe / North America / South America
Market type : B2C, B2C and B2B Domestic, Europe, International, Asia, Africa, America, Middle East
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Need of income: Not specified
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 60-100% Available
Funding capacity : Under 20 K
Return on investment planned : Not specified
Wish to be involved for a period of : Don't know
Specific wish: I love to solve stuff. Doesn't matter if it's a magic cube, or a puzzle, or to solve a big problem. I just love to build stuff and that's exactly what I've been doing since I can remember. I've built and sold a few startups in the past. And now I'm looking for the next journey.