Ivan Keuller
1320 Nodebais, Belgium
Manager, Sales and Development, Project Management, Human Resource
His\Her Talents
Years of experience:
Above 20 years
At ease with people, Active and dynamic, Organised, Imaginative, Curiosity, Structured
{{ 'French'|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ 'English'|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
{{ 'Dutch'|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
As manager, I organize, empower, lead and coach people and teams
to deliver sustainable growth based on trusted partnerships.
I achieved this in different industries and positions :
- managing sales of B2B financial services
- selling & delivering consulting projets as "Head of business transformation"
- creating & managing RH, Finance, IT & Facility functions in a 500 FTEs cy that doubled its size in 4 years