His\Her Wishes
Industry sector : Automotive, Aeronautic, Mecanic, Bank, Finance, Insurance, Equipment goods, Communication, Editing and Media, Education, Training, IT, Telecom, Technology and Electronics, Professional Services
Specific activity : Social Economy, NS
Location: California, USA / Brazil / New York, NY, USA
Market type : B2B Domestic, International, America
Progress of project:
1 Definition of Concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 First customers
5 First revenues
6 Development
7 International Development
8 Cession / Buyout
Need of income: Before 1 year
Interested in break-through innovation : Yes
Degree of implication : 30-60% Available
Funding capacity : Under 20 K
Return on investment planned : Before 1 year
Wish to be involved for a period of : Don't know
Specific wish: I am in the heart of Silicon Valley, seeking entrepreneurs with IDEAS and PROJECTS. I am excellent at investigating, validating, criticizing, diagnosing challenges, issues and opportunities, to build a path for the success of a project. I am great at execution as well. If the project interests me, I am your best bet depending on what is the area/expertise/stage you are at. Talk to me. Marcos