Broiler are the most preferred ones under poultry meat category. Many Private Companies are
involved with farmers in contract farmers in contracting farming for broiler production. So marketing
is no longer a problem. A young broiler is a young chicken of below eight weeks of age weighing 1.5
to 2.5 kgs body weight, with tender and soft meat.
Poultry farming has proven to be very lucrative business not only in Zimbabwe but in the World at
large. Chicken is one of the major source of animal meat in Zimbabwe aside from beef, pork and fish.
As a business, they offer an opportunity for poultry farmers to earn steady income and also provide
employment opportunities for countless number of men and women.
Our broiler poultry project is a start-up project that will be involved in production of equality and
affordable poultry meat and egg and other derivates targeting directed by Takudzwa Katema and
Juniour Masimo. For the start-up capacity we will have capacity for 100 birds with facilities to ensure
the best quality of poultry products are produced.
Our broiler production project will sell poultry products and offer Kill-Cut-Wrap-Freeze services e.g
(Dressed Full Chicken or Live Chicken)
The Most Promising Option (MoPO) for the business of broiler production and will entail production
and marketing broilers that have been dressed weighing (2kg) and sold as live chicken or dressed,
and doing small scale market gardening by growing vegetables.
• To be