

Need(s) of the project

Bubbling Bornface
Harare, Zimbabwe
Community Manager, Project Management, Training
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His\Her Talents

Years of experience: Above 20 years
Abilities: Very social, Imaginative, Attached to principles, Intuitive, Empathy, Flexibility
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
Worked with more than 15 communities, dealing with food security issues, land degradation, environmental management and improving their source of income. Started a project that works with vulnerable children paying for their fees, stationery etc. Have done numerous training session in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa and Mozambique on Natural resource management and agroecology


  • Date attended: from: 2010 to: 2013
    School: tertiary education
    Degree: Master's Degree
    Field of study: Sustainable development and environment


  • Name company: Fambidzanai Permaculture centre
    Title: Training coordinator
    Location: Harare, Zimbabwe
    Experience abroad: Yes
    Time period: from: 04.2022 I currently work here
    Description: Fambidzanai Permaculture Centre (FPC) is registered under the Zimbabwe Institute of Permaculture (ZIP) as a local Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO number 12/92). It is governed by a board of trustees. Fambidzanai works towards achieving a food secure Zimbabwe that depends on sustainable land-based food systems (permaculture). The organization has pivotally facilitated the inception of four other new organizations chasing a similar cause. The Natural Farming Network (NFN), the Schools and Colleges of Permaculture (SCOPE) program, the Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM), and the African Farmer Organic Research and Training (AfFOREST) organizations, all owe their being to Fambidzanai. The exclusively permaculture-based institution is undoubtedly one of the oldest home-grown organizations fostering sustainable land use management. Our activities thrive on skills training in sustainable agricultural methodologies. The training is supplemented by practical demonstrations illuminating the ecological and economic viability of permaculture at the station. Creating, enhancing, and facilitating market opportunities for farmers’ produce remains a key mandate of the organization.
Humans have actually reduced yield from ecosystem services, owing to human-induced changes to components of the Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems along with economic development. Growth in human populations increased conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural, industrial, residential use and demand for ecosystem inputs, such as fresh water, fibre, and soil fertility, as well as increased pressure on the capacity of natural ecosystems. Deforestation, expanding agriculture, illegal fishing and hunting, unplanned tourism, and pollution by pesticides have also caused a progressive deterioration of natural habitats. Natural resource influence has fundamentally been a by-product of materialistic desire by human beings to derive personal security, power and status and above all relishing the physical comfort throughout the course of human civilization. Throughout the course of human history, environmental impact has largely been a by-product of human desires for mobility, physical comfort, enjoyment, relief from labor, status, power, maintenance of tradition and family, personal security, and so forth, and of the technologies and organizations humanity has created to meet these desires. The consequence is loss of biodiversity, removal of forest that eliminates food and shelter, for forest-dwelling wildlife.

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