

Need(s) of the project

Anthony Crebier
Avignon, France
Sales and Development, eCommerce, Communication, Supply Chain, Marketing
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His\Her Talents

Years of experience: 5-10 years
Abilities: Very social, Active and dynamic, Enthousiastic, Intuitive, Persuasive, Flexibility, Like to plan
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
Graduated from a business school 8 years ago, I left working in a food company as head of sales in mass distribution. I have perfected my marketing skills within this company. I then went to work in Australia for 2 years in a logistics company. When I came back from abroad, I joined the PROXIDRIVE project, founded in 2012. I participated in research and development, big account negotiation, sales and presentation. I then participated in an incubator where I perfected my marketing and communication skills. I am currently marketing manager and development manager within the company Proxidrive.

His\Her Projects


  • Date attended: from: 2008 to: 2011
    School: EFC
    Degree: Master's Degree


  • Name company: Alazard & Roux
    Title: Seller
    Location: 13150 Tarascon, France
    Experience abroad: No
    Time period: from: 08.2011 to: 01.2012
  • Name company: Barry knee
    Title: Supply chaine and marketing manager
    Location: Nyah VIC 3594, Australia
    Experience abroad: Yes
    Time period: from: 01.2012 to: 02.2014
  • Name company: LST PROXIDRIVE
    Title: marketing and development manager
    Location: Avignon, France
    Experience abroad: No
    Time period: from: 07.2014 I currently work here
    Description: Innovative and patented solution, we answer the problem of the last mile. We manufacture stockers delivering 24/24 customers who ordered online
Finally, an autonomous relay point drive adequate to the e-commerce agro-food market. This will allow consumers to withdraw their shopping online, in less than a minute near their home or work.
The innovation of this product is found in its storage system, rather than making lockers simple type lockers (as many door as locker), Proxidrive stands out by offering a storage height to optimize customer delivery to more than 120 customers day for 3 slots, in addition, Proxidrive is fully mobile and requires no building permit.
In 2018, Proxidrive installed its first machine at Carrefour after 5 years of research and development, since other equipment was installed, including Corsica, Belgium and metropolis.
With a growth of around 30% / year, the E-commerce food becomes a new stake of conquest for the large distribution.
A race for innovation driven by the new expectations of consumers in search of practicality and saving time in their daily purchases.
Low value and high volume products!
This is a problem in last mile logistics. This is the opposite of e-commerce said "dry". This is why the future of e-commerce food depends entirely on how to deliver and this way passes by the drive point relay.
Proxidrive answers in 1 solution to these problems of the logistics of the last kilometer explains Gérard CREBIER founder of the company PROXIDRIVE.
Proxidrive envisages the deployment of its equipment drives throughout the national territory by 2022 and also an international deployment.

Project progress: 7- International Developmentproject-logo-part
  • Investors needed

    Partner's function: CEO
    Skills: Sales and Development, Export , Operation & Manufacturing, Engineering
    Years of experience: 5-10 years
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