Ses Talents
Années d'experience:
0-5 ans
A l'aise avec les gens, Actif et dynamique, Pragmatique, Imaginatif, Orienté objectif
{{ 'EN'|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
Advising international and domestic clients (companies) as a product expert.
-Onboard new clients subject to a CSR audit and scoring.
-Engaging the company to CSR practices by explaining the benefits of sustainable development to the supply chain and how to limit risks emerging from it.
-Guide clients through the online process.
-Follow-up with clients' progress and provide timely and accurate assistance surrounding:
-The scope of the company to be evaluated
-Technical difficulties with their online platform or audit
-The appropriateness of document policies and reports required for the evaluation
-The evaluation process (methodology, scoring)
-Recommend different subscriptions for the adequate service needs of the client
Internal Project:
-Project leader: Benchmarking performances through ArcGIS
Launched a project to illustrate and contrast companies' performances through graphs and maps with Web Appbuilder for ArcGIS. Use of CSV data files, shapefile to build the layers that make the benchmark, thus engaging clients to enhance further their sustainable development practices
-Project assistant: Annual CSR report
Assisted the CSR report manager by reporting the company's environmental practices.
Accounted and drafted the annual key figures and practices of 2016