Alexis Duee
Nogent-sur-Marne, France
Gestion de Projet, Marketing, Recherche et Developpement, Investissement
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Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 10-15 ans
Aptitudes: A l'aise avec les idées, Actif et dynamique
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Full professional proficiency
Réseau important de contacts commerciaux dans le conseil aux entreprises, et les secteurs Banque / Finance




  • Nom de l'entreprise: In2Act Consulting
    Titre: Managing Partner and Consultant
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 01.2010 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: => Managed business development and administration => Led projects in various sectors in France and abroad: - Newedge: Led the implementation of an accounting reconciliation management tool at Group level (Europe, America, Asia) - HSBC Private Bank: Coordinated and managed securities workstream for the merger of the Private Bank with HSBC France - HSBC France: Implemented FTP multibroker flows for client order execution, managed a process optimization & cost cutting project regarding HSBC custodian (Natixis) - Newedge: Monitored strategic transformations & projects at Group level, linked to Internal Audit and Regulator (ACPR) recommendations - BMCE: Reorganized internal control and revised permanent control plan for retail banking activities - Crédit Agricole du Maroc: Audited and reorganized the Front to Back market activities (organization, processes, logistics, HR) - Oberthur Technologies: Managed a strategic plan and a market study on the scratch card market
  • Nom de l'entreprise: 99 Advisory
    Titre: Manager
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 02.2016 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: => Developped activities and accounts on Retail & Private Banking and Asset Management => Structured internal processes within the Consultancy (growth from 10 to 80 consultants) => Developped network and built partnerships with Fintechs & Regtechs => Led numerous strategic transformations within Financial Service Clients and managed teams of consultants (up to 10 consultants): - Managed Front impact stream within main strategic project for a Private Bank to move operational platform to Luxembourg: client impacts, special Tarifs optimization, new Front processes, change management - Led the operational reorganization of the Financial Intermediaries activity (Family Office, CGP, one shot finders, etc) for a Private Bank - Led a strategic study on institutional investors needs for an asset manager - Led the reorganization of the Credit activities Front to Back - Designed and implemented new processes & new tool for an Asset Manager (Private Equity Infrastructure) - Managed BPR, process optimization and KPI/KRI implementation on Compliance linked topics (KYC, AML, client & operation filtering, asset freeze, etc.) for various banks

Ses Souhaits

Secteur d'activité : Banque, Finance, Assurance
Activité spécifique : Sans Preference
Lieu: Paris, France
Type de Marché : Clients Particuliers et Entreprises Europe
Etat d'avancement du projet:
1 Elaboration concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 Premiers clients
5 Premiers résultats financiers
6 Développement
7 Développement International
8 Reprise / Transmission
Besoin de revenu: Au delà
Interessé par des projets avec de la R&D : Non
Degré d'implication : 60-100% Temps disponible
Capacité d'investissement : Inférieur a 20 K
Retour sur investissement souhaité : Au delà
Désire de s'impliquer pendant : Ne sais pas
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