Camille Marie
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Achats, Manager, Commercial et Developpement, Communication, Gestion de Projet, Marketing, Ressources Humaines, Design de produits et de services
Ses Talents
Années d'experience:
0-5 ans
Pragmatique, Méthodique, Imaginatif, Approche global, Intuitif, Curiosité
{{ 'en'|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ 'es'|langNameByCode}} - Limited working proficiency
{{ 'Spanish'|langNameByCode}} - Limited working proficiency
With hands-on experience in project management and branding, I learnt to be the point of contact for a vast array of complex accounts across several fields including wine and spirits, hospitality services, watches and jewellery, specialist retailing.
I proved my skills as an "aspirational brands" guardian and advisor by safe keeping, enhancing, managing and solving my international client's strategic voicing challenges.