Christophe Carriere
Paris, France
Manager, Commercial et Developpement, Juridique, Investissement
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Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 10-15 ans
Aptitudes: A l'aise avec les idées, A l'aise avec les gens, Actif et dynamique, Pragmatique, Approche global, Aime le changement, Esprit d'analyse et critique, Empathie, Curiosité, Ouverture, Flexibilité, Structuré, Aime décider et conclure, Aime planifier, Aime fixer des échéances
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
COO et Co-fondateur d'une compagnie d'aviation privée US nouvelle génération. Accomplishments (2020) - Defined the company's Value Proposition and deck production; - Built the company's "pod" organisation structure, over 3 countries and 2 continents. Team members are located in Portland, Reno, Hawaï, London and Paris; - Organised KinectAir's team functioning framework, on the basis of The Alliance () and "The Advantage" (Patrick Lencioni). Backed it with a simple OKR system; - Set the first culture principles for the company; - Organised the first funding rounds: equity crowdfunding on Wefunder and pre-seed; - Built the initial company financial workbook, including the budgeting system.
During my time at Valeo: M&A / STRATEGIC OPERATIONS: - negotiated acquisitions (incl. in Malaysia and South Africa); - implemented carve-outs to set up the electric motor ValeoSiemens eAutomotive JV (France, Germany, Norway, China, Hungary and Poland). - advised on LP documentation re. commitments Cathay Capital Innovation Funds, Cathay CarTech Fund in China, Maniv Mobility Fund in Israël and Trucks Venture Capital fund in the US; - advised Valeo's permanent representative on Navya's board (listed autonomous vehicle company - until Dec. 2018). STARTUP / INNOVATION INITIATIVES: - designed and built new internal legal tools and faster processes for interactions with Startups, trained managers in interacting with Startups, notably how to handle representing the Group on boards of directors; - negotiated on a daily basis POC agreements, cooperation / partnership agreements / development agreements, in direct contact with the R&D and innovation teams. GROUP FINANCING: - advised in 2017 and 2018 respectively on 4bn€ and 5bn€ EMTN programs; - advised with our law firms on the review of all bilateral facility and credit lines.



  • Années: Du: 2000 au: 2004
    Ecole: Université Paris Dauphine
    Diplôme: Maitrise / Master
    Discipline: Maitrise de Gestion
  • Années: Du: 2004 au: 2005
    Ecole: Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
    Diplôme: Maitrise / Master
  • Années: Du: 2005 au: 2006
    Ecole: Edinburgh University
    Diplôme: Autre


  • Nom de l'entreprise: KinectAir
    Titre: Chief Operations Officer
    Lieu: Paris, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 11.2019 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: Generally, as the company COO, my role includes: - promoting company culture, organizational vision and operational strategy - designing and implement business strategies with other team members, planning them to ensure alignment between short-term and long-term objectives developed in tandem with the CEO - organizing fundraising, investor relations and planification - setting comprehensive goals for performance and growth - overseeing daily operations of the company - participation in expansion activities, partnerships such as the VoltAero / KinectAir partnership - forecasting and managing capital investment and expenses

Ses Souhaits

Secteur d'activité : Automobile, Aéronautique, Mécanique
Activité spécifique : Sans Preference
Lieu: Paris, France / Europe
Type de Marché : Clients Entreprises (B2B), Clients Particuliers (B2C), Clients Particuliers et Entreprises Domestique, Europe, International
Etat d'avancement du projet:
1 Elaboration concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 Premiers clients
5 Premiers résultats financiers
6 Développement
7 Développement International
8 Reprise / Transmission
Interessé par des projets avec de la R&D : Oui
Degré d'implication : 60-100% Temps disponible
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