Edouard Danesse
Paris, France
Manager, Commercial et Developpement, Communication, Gestion de Projet, Marketing, Relation Publique, Activités culturelles
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Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 0-5 ans
Aptitudes: A l'aise avec les idées, A l'aise avec les gens, Imaginatif, Curiosité, Ouverture
{{ 'anglais'|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
{{ 'allemand'|langNameByCode}} - Limited working proficiency



  • Années: Du: 2008 au: 2009
    Ecole: UC San diego
    Diplôme: Licence
  • Années: Du: 2006 au: 2011
    Ecole: ISEG
    Diplôme: Maitrise / Master
  • Années: Du: 2010 au: 2011
    Ecole: saint john's university New York
    Diplôme: Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
    Discipline: Marketing and business development


  • Nom de l'entreprise: Milonga
    Titre: Directeur
    Lieu: Île-de-France, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 07.2011 au: 12.2013
    Description: The Milonga Stores have the goal to spread the influence of music and its practice in the heart of everyone. For that, its core business is to promote and develop the practice of music through the sale of musical instruments, and its integrated music school in every store. Leaders in France in terms of selling music instrument and the first private music school, Milonga realizes a turnover of 32.5 million euros spread over 16 stores (2 to 4 million euros in sales by stores ). I'm in charge of the operational management of 10 sales men specialized in musical instrument. I lead my team to reach our financial objectives through marketing operations, merchandising relocation, negotiation, and sales in B2B and B2C. Responsible of the customer satisfaction, I also establish the operating statement in order to get our financial objectives. In collaboration with each product manager, I manage all the purchase and the supply chain for my store.
  • Nom de l'entreprise: IONIS Education Group
    Titre: Responsable Marketing et communication
    Lieu: Paris, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 04.2014 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: IONIS Education Group builds its reputation on its 22 schools' expertise and 2000 teachers, as well as the success of his 62,000 formers spread worldwide in all economic sectors. Since 1980, IONIS shares entrepreneurial and corporate culture through its innovatives initiatives over 20,000 students. I am in charge of the communication for 5 engineer and web design schools such as : Epitech, ETNA, e-artsup, SUP'Internet, Ionis school of technologie and management. I manage the development of the offline and online communication thanks to a communication and financial plan. I am proud to create and implemente leaflets, brochures, press ads, posters, TV's and web's advertising, websites, public relation, emailing, mobile application, etc ... I act as an events manager for graduation, exhibition, forums, Hackathon... And I also report actions through quantitatives' and qualitatives' analysis, which leads me to manage or negotiate with suppliers and service providers.

Ses Souhaits

Secteur d'activité : Communication, Edition et Médias, Informatique, Telecom, Nouvelles technologiques et électronique, Tourisme, loisirs, Culture
Activité spécifique : Sans Preference
Lieu: Paris, France
Type de Marché : Clients Entreprises (B2B), Clients Particuliers (B2C) Europe, International
Etat d'avancement du projet:
1 Elaboration concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 Premiers clients
5 Premiers résultats financiers
6 Développement
7 Développement International
8 Reprise / Transmission
Besoin de revenu: D'ici 2 ans
Interessé par des projets avec de la R&D : Oui
Degré d'implication : 0-30% Temps disponible
Capacité d'investissement : Inferieur à 20 K
Retour sur investissement souhaité : D'ici 2 ans
Désire de s'impliquer pendant : Ne sais pas
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