Hy-boui Chang
Sceaux, France
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Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 10-15 ans
Aptitudes: A l'aise avec les gens
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  • Années: Du: 1998 au: 2000
    Ecole: ensim
    Diplôme: Ingénieur


  • Nom de l'entreprise: Siemens
    Titre: Project Procurement Manager
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 09.2012 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: Projects management in automatization of metro lines (driverless). Amont of projects : up to 140 M€ International projects : metro & airport ex : Riyadh L1 and L2, New York city, Alger L1, Sao Paulo L4, Rennes B Example of realization : internal coordination between Siemens entities for Riyadh project : share solutions, highligth importants points, exchange suppliers information, follow progress and savings My role is to organize, control and monitor all procurement activities in a project. I also have to guarantee the observance of the Siemens's procurement processes. - integration of procurement in the project management process and project teams at an early stage (bid phase, project phase, maintenance phase) - management of relationship internally and externally (engineers, project managers, commercial managers, quality responsible, logistics, subcontractors) - participation in project/sales meetings as project core team member - establishment and keep up to date the procurement plan in terms of budget, planning of deliveries, suppliers lists - coordination of the commodity buyers for each project, plan purchasing activities, follow KPIs, reporting - extraction and analyses customer inquiries to be intregrated during negotations with suppliers - establishment of prices tables for all sub-elements, and keep up to date - Support project calculations with reliable material & services cost data - identification of particular procurement risks, opportunities and market forces during the project in order to avoid potential damage / exploit potential opportunities

Ses Souhaits

Etat d'avancement du projet:
1 Elaboration concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 Premiers clients
5 Premiers résultats financiers
6 Développement
7 Développement International
8 Reprise / Transmission
Interessé par des projets avec de la R&D : Non
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