Philippe Gentine
Strasbourg, France
Manager, Recherche et Developpement
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Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 10-15 ans
Aptitudes: Actif et dynamique, Pragmatique, Organisé, Approche global, Esprit d'analyse et critique, Flexibilité, Recherche d'information
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Professional working proficiency
I hold a PharmD and a PhD in Vaccinology from the University of Strasbourg (France) and I have 10+ years of experience in R&D in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, including collaborations or positions in companies/institutions of various sizes (large, medium and small). Since August 2019, I have been acting as an independent consultant. I support companies, innovative startups and research organizations in the development of their product candidates, particularly in fields like Vaccine Development, Innovative Drug Products & Formulation/Delivery of Biologics, from discovery to initiation of clinical trials (Human & Animal Health). My service offer includes (i) state-of-the-art / strategic foresight (science, technology, regulatory watch, competitive Intelligence, commercial intelligence), (ii) drafting of scientific & specific documents (research proposals, research papers & review articles, reports, Quality documents…), (iii) research and identification of new targets, products or processes, (iv) implementing strategy for product-candidate development, (v) Project management, supervision & coordination, (vi) expertise support in CMC-related activities, (vii) strategic review & evaluation, and (viii) technical support. I am looking for (i) part-time, short-term or long-term projects, as expertise and technical support, and (ii) for new business opportunities, as partner, for an innovative start-up being launched in the area of Biotech/Pharma.
Functional competencies : . R&D Strategy Development . Project Management & Coordination . Expertise & Technical Support . Strategic Foresight . Draft skills Fields: Pharma, Biotech Main areas of expertise : Vaccine Development, Innovative Drug Products, Formulation/Delivery of Biologics Scientific skills :  Live-attenuated vaccine, Peptide- and protein-based vaccine, Conjugate vaccine. Prophylactic vaccine, Therapeutic vaccine. Immunoadjuvant. Nano- and microparticle formulation. Drug delivery. Freeze-drying of vaccine formulation. Characterization of vaccine formulations (physic- ochemical, biochemical, bioanalytical, stability studies...). Cell culture (primary culture, cell line and parasite culture). In vivo studies in mice. Immunomonitoring. Antibody functionality. Infectivity assays... Additional skills : . Pharmaceutical Development: Formulation, Potency assay development, Optimization and Scale-up (pilot-scale batches) of bioproduction process, Upstream & Downstream process development, Stability testing, Identification & management of CRO/CDMO... . QA/QC: Practical knowledge of standards: GLP/cGMP regulations, ISO 9001, ICH, FDA, EMA, WHO guidelines/guidance documents, Pharmacopoeial standards. Drafting of Quality documents, Qualification & Validation of analytical methods... . Entrepreneurial experience: Marketing, Communication, Management and supervision of innovative projects, Strategic foresight



  • Années: Du: 2005 au: 2008
    Ecole: University of Strasbourg
    Diplôme: Maitrise / Master
    Discipline: Pharmacology
  • Années: Du: 2001 au: 2008
    Ecole: University of Strasbourg
    Diplôme: Autre
    Discipline: PharmD
  • Années: Du: 2009 au: 2013
    Ecole: University of Strasbourg
    Diplôme: Docteur (Ph.D.)
    Discipline: Vaccinology


  • Nom de l'entreprise: Baccinex
    Titre: Pharmaceutical Project Coordinator
    Lieu: Courroux, Switzerland
    Experience à l'étranger: Oui
    Pèriode: Du: 09.2017 au: 12.2017
    Description: Baccinex is a pharmaceutical CDMO specialized in the fill and finish of sterile lyophilised or liquid dosage forms • Main interface between the client and the internal departments to ensure optimal progress of the projects • Set-up of preliminary activities related to the production projects: Feasibility study of the project, Drawing up price quotation, Writing statement of work (SoW), Collection and review of technical information required for achievement of the project objective, Par- ticipation in the implementation of the pharmaceutical development studies for technical batches (retention test, filling test, optimization of freeze-drying cycles, shear test), Draft- ing technical reports, Organization of production of clinical batches • Daily follow-up of the smooth progress of the ongoing projects
  • Nom de l'entreprise: BoostVax Project
    Titre: Project Holder
    Lieu: 25000 Besançon, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 01.2018 au: 07.2019
    Description: BoostVax Project was focused on the development of peptide and protein-based subunit vaccines against infectious diseases and cancers, for human and animal health markets First targets: Bovine Babesiosis and Human Lung Cancer • Development of a cutting-edge technology based on chemical modification of peptide or protein antigens that confers them unique properties and elicits an immune response up to 1000-fold more potent • Drafting of business plan, business model, market research & specifications. Conducting feasibility studies. Search for funding and investors. Intellectual propriety strategy. Build- ing strategic partnerships. Team management. R&D project management : Production of an experimental vaccine against bovine babesiosis caused by B. divergens & Development of the BoostVax technology. Determination of proof-of-concept (POC). Strategic foresight.
  • Nom de l'entreprise: PG Consulting
    Titre: Independent R&D and Innovation Consultant - Expert in Vaccine Development, Immunotherapy & Drug Delivery
    Lieu: Strasbourg, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 08.2019 Ceci est mon poste actuel
    Description: PG Consulting supports biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the development of their product candidates, particularly in fields like vaccine development, innovative drug products & formulation/delivery of biologics, from discovery to initiation of clinical trials (Human & Animal Health) • State-of-the-art / Strategic foresight (science watch, technology watch, competitive intel- ligence, commercial intelligence). Drafting of scientific & specific documents (work plans, protocols, research papers & review articles, reports...). Research and identification of new targets, products or processes. Implementing strategy for product-candidate development. Project management, supervision & coordination. Expertise support in CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls)-related activities. Strategic review & evaluation. Technical support.

Ses Souhaits

Secteur d'activité : Biologie, Pharmacie, Industrie
Activité spécifique : Sans Preference
Lieu: Strasbourg, France / Lausanne, Switzerland / Basel, Switzerland / Paris, France / Lyon, France / Montpellier, France
Type de Marché : Clients Particuliers et Entreprises International
Etat d'avancement du projet:
1 Elaboration concept
2 Prototype
3 Test
4 Premiers clients
5 Premiers résultats financiers
6 Développement
7 Développement International
8 Reprise / Transmission
Besoin de revenu: Au delà
Interessé par des projets avec de la R&D : Oui
Degré d'implication : 60-100% Temps disponible
Capacité d'investissement : Entre 20 et 50 K
Retour sur investissement souhaité : Au delà
Désire de s'impliquer pendant : Au-delà de 5 ans
Souhait spécifique : Looking for a position such as project holder or scientific, preferably as associate and for a future start-up in the area of biotech/pharma.
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