

Besoin(s) du projet

Lucille Vigné
Paris, France
Profile Photo

Ses Talents

Années d'experience: 05-10 ans
Aptitudes: A l'aise avec les idées, A l'aise avec les gens, Actif et dynamique, Empathie, Curiosité
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Native or bilingual proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Elementary proficiency
{{ ''|langNameByCode}} - Elementary proficiency
Freelance, graphiste et UI designer et entrepreneure à la recherche d'un co-fondateur.

Ses Projets


  • Années: Du: 2011 au: 2015
    Ecole: ISC PARIS
    Diplôme: Maitrise / Master
    Discipline: Digital marketing


  • Nom de l'entreprise:
    Titre: Graphiste
    Lieu: Paris, France
    Experience à l'étranger: Non
    Pèriode: Du: 05.2023 Ceci est mon poste actuel
Mars. plot
Mars. is a new social planet where you can meet and connect with people like you. And, Sunnie, the astronaut monkey is here to coach and help you for that. Sunnie has three missions:
1. Make you explore Mars. to become a Martian
2. Help you socialise with other humans
3. Find people matching your interests

Mars. is a mobile application which aims at connecting people with same and specific interests and this, combined with a revolutionary user interface.
Mars. is the new mobile application that brings a new innovation to the mobile app market and revolutionise it in two ways:
1. Machine learning
2. Gamification and social user experience
In depth, Mars. is a mobile application which aims at connecting people who:
- Want to do same activities for example grab a coffee, go to the movies
- Want to find people who are interested in a particular subject
- Share specific and same interests

The main goal of Mars. is to create a mobile app than can ease the connection between people who don’t know each other, but share same interests. What’s more, Mars. has a personal and unique identity represented by:
- Its minimalist design
- Its mascot, the coach astronaut monkey called Sunnie - Its gamification system (matching)

Mars. Identity gives a unique, social and playful user experience like you’ve never seen before.

Avancement du projet: 1- Elaboration conceptproject-logo-part
  • Développeur mobile

    Fonction de l'associé: Directeur Informatique
    Compétences: Informatique
    Années d'experience: 05-10 ans
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